Research Methodology Notes For PhD Entrance PDF Free

In this post, I have provided you the overview and download links of research methodology notes required for preparation for PhD Entrance exam. You can download the notes by clicking on the download links given below.


Research Methodology is a very interesting subject; Because in this, you can do research on any topic and finally discover something new and unique. When researching anything, you have to follow some methods and some methods want to follow; You understand this when you study Research Methodology. We can say that the subject of research methodology shows you a new direction to achieve your goal quickly.

People who want to pass the research methodology PhD entrance exam; need to know about this subject because research methodology helps you to give a new direction to your research journey. This subject is divided into four main aspects which include observation, experiment, simulation, and derive. Research methodology plays an important role in the new discoveries that have been made so far.

For the research methodology PhD entrance exam, you need to clear all the basic concepts of this subject, for which the following notes are useful for studying from basic to advanced level in a very simple language.

We have used beautiful images in these notes so that you understand the topic quickly and remember the images for a long time. Also, these notes have been written with the guidance of experts.

Index of Research Methodology Notes

In the index of Research Methodology Notes, you will find the following topics that are explained in detail in the PDF.
  1. Introduction of research methodology
  2. Objectives of the research
  3. Research methods vs methodology
  4. Significance of research
  5. Types of research
  6. Criteria of good research
  7. Research process
  8. Defining the research problems
  9. Literature review
  10. Development of working hypothesis
  11. Research design
  12. Statistics in Research
  13. Sampling
  14. Sampling techniques
  15. Determination of sample size
  16. Hypothesis testing
  17. Tests of hypothesis

Download Research Methodology Notes for PhD Entrance PDF FREE

You can download the Research Methodology notes for PhD entrance for free by clicking on the download button below.

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