Human Anatomy and Physiology Important MCQs

MCQs is the best tool to check your knowledge about a subject in less time.

In this post, I have given you important MCQs with answers on Human Anatomy and Physiology subject.

These MCQs will help you check and gain a deeper knowledge about human anatomy and physiology. And also help you increase your rank in competitive exams like GPAT, NIPER, and DI as well as in your B Pharm and D Pharm exams.


In the MCQs of Human Anatomy and Physiology, I gave you MCQs on structures and functions of the human body and all systems of the Human Body. The human body is divided into ten main systems such as muscular, skeletal, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive. And all these systems include all the organs in the human body.

MCQs on Human Anatomy and Physiology

Below are the topics of Human Anatomy and Physiology MCQs.
  1. Introduction to the human body and Tissue level of organization
  2. The cellular level of organization
  3. Integumentary system or Muscular system
  4. Skeletal system and Joints
  5. Body fluids, Blood, and Lymphatic system
  6. Peripheral Nervous system and Special senses
  7. Cardiovascular system
  8. Central Nervous system
  9. Digestive system
  10. Energetics
  11. Respiratory system
  12. Urinary system
  13. Endocrine system
  14. Reproductive system
  15. Introduction to genetics
NOTE: After clicking on the correct option in the MCQs you will see it turns green and if you click on the wrong option, it will turn red. Each question is of 1 mark, if you solve all the questions then you can see your result at the end.

MCQs On Introduction to the human body and Tissue level of organization

1. Which makes the loose connective tissue elastic
2. Simple cuboidal epithelium is found in
3. The functions of loose connective tissue include
4. Which type of tissue forms glands
5. What factor disturbs the homeostasis
6. Which are the structural level of the organization
7. Non keratinized stratified epithelium occurs in
8. How many levels of Structural Organization
9. The ciliated columnar epithelium is present in
10. Packing tissue of the body

11. Which of the following statement is NOT true
12. Which one is flat
13. Functions of epithelial tissue
14. Skin is

MCQs On The cellular level of organization

15. Glycolipids in the plasma membrane are located at
16. The membrane around the vacuole is called
17. The smallest cell of the human body is known to be
18. How many types of cell signaling are there
19. Which of the following phenomena is commonly referred to as ‘cell drinking’
20. Cell was discovered by

21. Cell theory is not applicable to
22. The cytoplasm of the cell is consist of how much % of water
23. Which cell is the longest in the human body
24. Components of 70 S ribosomes are
25. Cells can communicate with one another via
26. Golgi complex originates from

MCQs On Integumentary system or Muscular system

27. The lesion found on the skin the healing of an injury is called
28. The skin is called the _____ membrane
29. Which acts as an insulator for the body
30. What part of the skin is often referred to as “true skin”

31. Healthy skin’s PH level of 4.5 to 5.5 is
32. The major loss of heat through the skin is by
33. What factor would cause a reaction in sensory nerve fibers
34. Sweat or perspiration is secreted by what gland
35. Which of the following is NOT part of the integumentary system
36. Melanotic sarcoma is a skin cancer that begins with
37. Melanin is found in the
38. Skin cancer most likely arises from which type of cells
39. Almost 90% of the skin’s wrinkles are caused by
40. Hair and nail are

41. What area of the skin structure is responsible for “goose bump” formation of the skin

MCQs On Skeletal system and Joints

42. Which bone of the vertebral column facilitates side-to-side movements
43. How many vertebrae do humans possess
44. The middle ear consists of which bones
45. The thinnest bone of the human body
46. How many bones are present in a human skull
47. Which of the following is a breast bone
48. What is the shape of the hyoid bone
49. Which of the following joints can move in only one direction
50. Which of the following bones of the skull is movable

51. What are the bones present in the human skull
52. Which bone protects the brain
53. The joint between the atlas and axis is

MCQs On Body fluids, Blood, and Lymphatic system

54. The spleen is located
55. Which of the following is NOT a part of the lymphatic system
56. In the ABO system, blood group ‘O’ is characterized by the
57. Blood is stained with
58. Absence of which clotting factor leads to Haemophilia-A
59. Oxygen binds to the which portion of hemoglobin
60. Vitamin essential for blood clotting is

61. How often can a donor give blood
62. How much blood usually is donated at a time
63. The blood corpuscles are of how many types
64. Which of the following blood group is referred as a universal recipient
65. Which of the following are the 3 steps of Hemostasis
66. A major function of the lymphatic system is
67. Who discovered blood groups

MCQs On Peripheral nervous system and Special senses

68. No image formation occurs on blind spot of retina because
69. Which type of cells are not present in the taste bud
70. Find the correct statement about the eustachian tube

71. The part of the internal ear responsible for hearing is
72. The brain area that most directly controls the activity of the autonomic
73. Which is responsible for colour detection
74. In the eyes the image which is formed on the retina is
75. Touch receptors are called
76. Peripheral Nervous System consists of nerves and
77. Night blindness is caused due to
78. ” Miosis” in the eye refers to
79. Cochlea contains

MCQs On Cardiovascular system

80. The opening of the inferior vena cava into the right auricle is regulated by

81. Heartbeat is initiated by
82. Cardiac output is defined as the amount of blood
83. Blood pressure increases and heart rate decreases in response to
84. Pacemaker is
85. “Bundle of HIS” is made up of
86. Largest amount of urea is normally carried by
87. Typical ‘Lubb-dup’ sounds heard in heart beat are due to
88. Blood pressure of a healthy person is
89. Murmur is a disorder of
90. Adrenaline directly affects

91. At the time of diastole, the heart is filled with
92. Sympathetic nervous system
93. Deoxygenated blood from the wall of the heart is carried by
94. The heart muscles are
95. Heart of heart” is
96. Heart wall is made of
97. Auricular systole in the cardiac cycle lasts for about

MCQs On Central Nervous system

98. How do neurons communicate with one another
99. The cell which is capable of removing a blood clot from the brain
100. The cells that conduct messages toward the brain are the

101. Stimulation of which one of the following receptors causes vasoconstriction
102. Which nerve abducts the eyeball
103. In our body involuntary actions are controlled by
104. How many types of nervous tissue are present in the body
105. The most common neurotransmitter in the body is
106. Which part of a neuron directly contacts another neuron at the synapse
107. Damage to this nerve could cause impairment in swallowing or taste

MCQs On Digestive system

108. Which part of the large intestine receives materials from the ileum
109. Which part of the pancreas produces and secrete insulin
110. Infants’ gastric juice contains

111. Bile helps in
112. What is the function of the stomach
113. pH of saliva is
114. Salivary amylase is also known as
115. Name the hardest material present in the body
116. The muscles of the esophagus squeeze the food downward using the process of
117. Chemical digestion of protein begins in the
118. Which cells produce insulin
119. Largest salivary gland is
120. Crypts of Lieberkuhn” are found in

MCQs On Energetics

121. Synthesis is a term, which could be used synonymously with
122. The genetic code is transferred from DNA to
123. Ionic gradient in which part of the mitochondrion drives the synthesis of ATP
124. The energy charge of the cell is
125. Which enzyme will decompose hydrogen peroxide
126. The creatine kinase reaction is
127. TCA cycle is a which type of process
128. Which of the following results in the greatest amount of ATP
129. Which part of ATP contains the most energy

MCQs On Respiratory system

130. What happens when you breathe in
131. The space between the two lungs is called the
132. Hamburger’s phenomenon is also called
133. The tissue of the respiratory system receives its supply of oxygen and nutrients from the
134. What are capillaries
135. During expiration the diaphragm becomes
136. The alveolar epithelium of the lungs is
137. Gas exchange between the blood and the cells is
138. Severe chest pain, fever, and shallow breathing are symptoms of
139. During inspiration
140. How many lobes are present in right lung
141. What is the Bohr effect
142. Residual volume is
143. Normal breathing is termed
144. In the average male total lung capacity is approximately

MCQs On Urinary system

145. Which ion is reabsorbed in exchange for sodium
146. Which of the following is NOT part of the filtration membrane
147. How is Na+ reabsorbed
148. The kidneys are
149. When the infection invades the urinary bladder, it is called
150. Which of these is under voluntary control
151. How many ureters are present
152. Urinary bladder is divided into
153. The Bowman’s capsules are found in
154. What is the average glomerular filtration rate

MCQs On Endocrine system

155. Which of the Following Hormones Regulate Blood Sodium and Potassium Levels in the Body
156. The hypothalamus produces hormones and is connected to the pituitary gland via the
157. What is the subunit of the insulin hormone
158. This hormone is responsible for “fight-or-flight” response
159. The two regulatory systems of the body are the endocrine system and the
160. Secretion of hormones from the pituitary gland is regulated by
161. Which one of the following is largest endocrine gland
162. Which one of the following is largest exocrine glands
163. The blood calcium level is lowered by the deficiency of
164. Gigantism and acromegaly are due to
165. The contraction of the gall bladder is due to
166. Which of the following hormones target the skeletal muscle cells
167. which type of gland secretes hormones

MCQs On Reproductive system

168. Division of human egg is
169. Which lytic enzyme released by the sperm
170. Ovary is internally lined by which epithelium
171. Spermatogonia are formed by
172. Where do sperm mature
173. Where does the ovum receive the sperm
174. The correct sequence of cell stage in spermatogenesis is
175. What type of epithelium lines the vas deferens
176. The abnormal growth of prostate cells, but is not cancerous.
177. Risk factors include genetics, exposure to radiation, and a high fat diet
178. In human beings, the eggs are

MCQs On Introduction to genetics

179. Portion of the gene which is transcribed but not translated is
180. DNA fingerprinting recognizes the differences in
181. The term chromosome was coined by
182. Who discovered “Reverse transcription
183. What is the function of proteins
184. The most commonly used enzyme for polymerase chain reaction is
185. Who is known as the “Father of Genetics”
186. In males, the gene for colour blindness is located in
187. Euchromatin
188. The enzyme involved in activation of serine is
189. A protein is made up of how many amino acids

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